But then I will have two blocks, and that is not god, I onley whant to show one block. It would look strange with a block with just one link. But Maybe I misunderstood you?
I found this solution, but I do not get it. Unfortenley I could not register to post at that time and ask, maybe someone her understand it.
"In the gizmhail version of block.php"
I do not find any gizmhail at all, and in block.php I do not find the lines they talk about.
Please help me if you can.
Re: sublinks open all at once
in the gizmhail version of block.php:
1/ replace the first addition by:
Twins addition : dynamic sub-menu hack
$opengroupheadermenu = -1;
$sql = "SELECT pid ,link
FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix('multimenu').$options[13]."
WHERE hide = 1
ORDER BY ".$options[3];
$result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql ,$randlimit ,$rand);
while ( $myrow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result) ) {
$isCurrent = substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $myrow['link']);
if ($isCurrent>0)
$opengroupheadermenu = $myrow['pid'];
End of the addition
2/ remove the second addition
3/ find the line (just above the second addition):
"&& ( $myrow['submenu'] == 1 || $myrow['submenu'] == 2 ) "
4/ add the condition (add a line above the line found at 3/:
&& ($myrow['pid']==$opengroupheadermenu) // Twins addition : dynamic sub-menu hack
This solution have a small restriction:You have to use relative paths in the links of your multimenu, if you do not, it will not work.
Sorry, no comments in my code. If you understand anything to php, you will quickly see why it is better; if you do not, i think you even don't care about that
Thank you guys for the Multimenu mod, it's really great!!