XOOPS Version:
Module Name/Version: LanMod 1.0
PHP Version: 4.4.1
MySQL Version: 4.1.15
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): IIS6
Operating System: Windows Server 2003
Theme you are using: 4thefort
Custom template: (Yes/No) No
PHP Debug Messages: enabled, no errors
MySQL Debug Messages: enabled, no errors
Smarty Debug Messages: enabled, no errors
A full description of the issue:
I have copied the LanMod folder to my modules directory on the webserver (I host my own site, I own the server), and set the permissions correctly. When I pull up the Module Admin page to install it, I click on the install icon then confirm the installation and receive the error posted below. yes, I have turned all debugging interfaces, no error are seen in any of the debug text.
Before I attempted installation, I setup a test copy of XOOPS on a virtual server andit installed fine the first time. Any suggestions?
Installing LanMod
Invalid default value for 'id'
Unable to install LanMod. Error(s):
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