Re: Weather
  • 2005/12/21 5:29

  • Jharis

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 488

  • Since: 2005/2/13

I have it set up for San Martin (my local town) so you'd have to set up an account for your local town.

You know my brain was telling me that same thing, but I didn't listen until after I was in the car driving home.

Yeah... I thought that's what I had to do.


don (el paso)
motto - green chili for everything!

Re: Weather
  • 2005/12/22 0:38

  • circlecast

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2005/12/19


Jharis wrote:
Works for me. I created a custom block, pasted the code, set to html and viola! Weather. I am using XOOPS 2.2.3 php 4.4.1. I also have a static ip.


Just off hand you might want to verify with your host if they allow rss feeds. Pulling info from accu weather shouldn't be any different than rss. Not all host allow rss especially if your on a shared server (eats up bandwith). You may have to go with a static IP or upgrade your hosting plan. I would contact your provider and ask them.

don (el paso)

Well I know they take Rss feeds because the AP feeds and the Reuters feed show up just fine.

But even when I create a block with just "Hey how are you doing" it will not show up it just gives the title bar and that is it.

So back to the question is this a case of Smarty template gone mad or is there something else that is causing this?

Re: Weather
  • 2005/12/22 4:28

  • tdickson

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 26

  • Since: 2005/9/26

I would try redownloading the core files uploading then updating the system module.

my 2 cents

Re: Weather
  • 2005/12/22 14:10

  • circlecast

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2005/12/19

Hmm That is crazy enough it just might work I will see what happens


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