XOOPS Version: 2.2.3
Module Name/Version: Not sure, notifications?
PHP Version: 4.3.11
MySQL Version: 4.0.26
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Not sure, it's hosted
Operating System: Not sure, it's hosted
Theme you are using: modified version of sev_dravid
Custom template: No
PHP Debug Messages: None listed when PHP Debug is turned on.
MySQL Debug Messages:
Queries core
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id = '64b5f8b12a172052a98c75664e4f154c'
( 0.000318)
SELECT * FROM xoops_users u, xoops_user_profile p WHERE u.uid = p.profileid AND uid = '3' LIMIT 0, 1
( 0.000398)
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'articles'
( 0.000367)
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '25') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000812)
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000501)
SELECT * FROM xoops_tplfile WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'montisarts2' AND tpl_file = 'system_redirect.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
( 0.000429)
Total Number of Queries: 7 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0.002825
Queries module
Total Number of Queries: 0 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0
Queries block
Total Number of Queries: 0 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0
Total: 0 blocks
Execution Time
Smarty Debug Messages:
Smarty Debug Console
included templates & config files (load time in seconds):
/home/.sites/88/site70/web/themes/sev_dravid/theme.html (0.00158)
assigned template variables:
{$SCRIPT_NAME} /modules/articles/notification_update...
{$lang_ifnotreload} If the page does not automatically re...
{$message} No valid security token found in session
{$time} 3
{$url} /modules/articles/index.php
{$xoops_charset} ISO-8859-1
{$xoops_contents} <div style="text-align:center; backgr...
{$xoops_dirname} articles
{$xoops_footer} Powered byrnXOOPS 2.0 © 2001-2004 {$xoops_imageurl} http://www.freemasonry.pe.ca/themes/s...
{$xoops_isadmin} 1
{$xoops_isuser} 1
{$xoops_js} //-->
I get the same error when I click on the get new password link from the request lost password e-mail.
I am also running XOOPS 2.2.3a-final. This is a fresh install, not an upgrade.
Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a suggested fix for it?
Are there any kind people out there who are in the Holiday spirit and might like to suggest a fix for this?
several folks including myself have been having problems with "no valid security token" on 2.2.3. Mine is pretty much with comments only. There has been no resolutions as far as I can tell from those who have posted.
You can try emptying the contents of your session table in phpMyAdmin. This will at least reset all sessions.
Thanks for the suggestion Todd. Unfortunately, I've tried that several times without success. Tried it again after reading your post - no luck. Is this a known bug that the developers are working on? Does anyone know?
I saw your post on my bug entry on the dev log. So far, a lot of bugs have not been "assigned" including this one. I posted it there after a month or so of not being able to fix it. I don't know if this issue has gotten any attention from the dev side of the house. So far, the only repsonses have been from users who have the problem. I don't think there are many here who are familiar with the security token functionality, hence the lack of response.
My issue is primarily with Firefox and not as much with IE, though it does happen on any browser. Sadly, I have to recommend to people NOT to use Firefox and use IE instead. . Go figure.
sdmacint wrote:
I have read several other posts but have not found a problem exactly like mine. Some of the other posts ask about custom sessions. They're turned off on my site.
Have you tried turning them on?
Set your custom sessions for an hour. It's worth a try.
yes, it's definitely worth a try. I have tried every combination of custom sessions imaginable, on/off, long/short, etc. and it doesn't resolve my token error issue on XOOPS comments.
But definitely try it out.
Clever wrote:
Have you tried turning them on?
Set your custom sessions for an hour. It's worth a try.
Thanks for the suggestion Clever/Lisa. I just tried turning on the sessions with a 60 minute duration and a 15 minute duration. I then emptied the session table. Both configurations provide the same results - the token error.
Unlike the post from ToddHerrold above, I get the error message
every time anyone tries to add a notification in both IE and Firefox.
I must admit to some frustration that this has been going on since November and we've not even received any recognition of the problem from a developer.
Notifications are important to our site. They are the "hook" to get people back to visit. Without them, our membership think that the site is stagnant and don't come back.