Hey, sorry about this but seem to be having a strange problem all of a sudden in that so far 2 members and myself are unable to access a part of my site.
Without debug enabled we were just getting a blank white page.
With debugging enabled I am getting something along the lines of this:
Call to a member function on a non-object in /htdocs/modules/newbb/class/category.php on line 220
A quick search on this site suggested that it may be to do with a PHP upgrade, this faq mentions something:
https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=329I called the host to check for more info, they say that they have not updated for some time, so I asked them to check the site with IE and guess what it works fine.
I knew it was working with Firefox for me, but assumed that perhaps IE was calling it slightly differently??
Anyway I have checked the site with FF, Moz, Konq and IE from a different location and all are fine.
However I still have one user that is unable to access the forums with IE, another that is unable to access the forums with konqueror and I am unable to access the forums with IE.
Odd thing is the rest of the site seems to be working fine.
Anyway, not sure if the problem is related to accessing the site from
http://linuxjourney.com rather than
http://www.linuxjourney.comCan I ask a couple of you to try and get to the site using both address's:
http://linuxjourney.comhttp://www.linuxjourney.comOnce there please use the menu to the left to go to the forums. If you get a blank page or message can you tell me what browser (& version) your using and what OS
If you see any errors please post them.
If you see the forums list then thats fine, if you don't mind taking a second to just tell me it works with your browser (& Version) and OS
pleaseI have just started using a PHP 301 to make sure that both urls go to the same place and although everything seems to be working just fine I do wonder if this might be connected.
Any help with this would be appreciated.