How difficult would it be to develope a visual "Theme builder Wizard", where people could select options (e.g. banner (yes/no), right blocks visible (yes/no), and then select colors for particular elements (e.g. block heading, main text, etc.), and all of this could be visible in real time on the screen.
Once done, you can save your work (for future changes), and then generate the theme.htm and the corresponding CSS files.
This would be a good start for anybody to create themes, which they could be then customized. Right building a them is somewhat too time consuming, especially for poeple who are not very good at coding.
If this would make it easier for people to create themes, I am sure that we could have a lot of new themes and thus an advantage against Joomla.
It wouldn't have to be a very complex "do it all" wizard. Just one that would generate a basic standard theme.