Not sure how to discribe this issue....
XOOPS Version: 2.0.13
PHP Version: 5.0.4
MySQL Version: 4.0.25-standard-log
CBB Version 1.13
I have a Forum area set up for webmasters and administrators only...in other words...only viewable to these two groups. (Its only 4 indidviduals)
However, recently, whenever there is a posting in this area, the system is notifying 3 additional individuals that ARE NOT supposed to view this.
I have checked the GROUPS and made sure the correct users where in the right groups...thru the XOOPS admin panel and all seems to be correct.
I have checked the FORUM group permissions and seem to be correct.
I have logged in to phpAdmin and looked at xoop_users, xoops_groups, and xoops_groups_users and all seem to match accordingly (based on my limited understanding of MySQL)
My issue now is WHY these apparently particular 3 users are somehow getting notification emails sent of new postings.
Any suggestions?