Not to forget to add CAPTCHA authentication to ward off Spam comments from Bots.
Imagine this: User comes to a XOOPS powered Blog, reads a news article and tries to comment, but is put off by the need to register first. He goes away, never to return.
He has not been successfully engaged and encouraged to participate in the discussion. The need to register makes many to drop the whole idea of commentating.
Right now XOOPS gives three options:
1. Undergo the whole registration process irrespective of whether you plan to revisit or not.
2. Or post as 'anonymous/guest'.
3. Just go away.
Almost everybody chooses 3, a few go in for commenting as anonymous, but do not return.
Authors go to great extent to pagerank their sites and improve search engine visibility. They try to bring in more traffic, but if they cannot succeed in building interaction with their readers, these efforts will go waste and they will continously hunt for more readers as the old drift away. Retaining visitors is more important than finding new readers.
Xoops has to change and evolve.
Blogs are becoming a hallmark of web 2, empowering personal publishing, political dissent, punditry and so on.
Blogs like Instapundit, Daily Kos, Little Green Footballs are succeeding in challenging the fate of elections and so on. This movement is now obvious to Xoops. Hardly 0.1 % of blogging is done on Xoops. Why not? XOOPS does have everything needed for Blogging, except for a few things like pingback and trackback (athough somebody did make a module for it, but it is stalled now, also the wordpress module)
ALL other software/platforms/tools like Blogger, Wordpress, My Journal, MovableType, SquareSpace, b2evolution, Blog:CMS, UBlog, .Text, BlogWare and Xaraya provide for easy guest commenting under their own name.
Unless XOOPS succeeds in positioning itself as a capable Blogging platform, a huge oppurtunity is lost. XOOPS has the core features, just has to implement a few more tweaks and thats it.
1. CAPTCHA authentication
2. Trackback/pingback
3. Pinging of Blog Indexes
4. Easier User Commenting system
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is most important that you do it.
-- Gandhi