Only Choice?
Is Newbb to be discontinued?
I have always wondered why XOOPS has not had an option to integrate phpBB into your site.
I never understand why people want to 're-invent' the wheel.
Granted it is good to have different versions of forum software out-there, that way it gives us choice, and of course, who's to say the phpBB or IPB way of doing things is right?
BUT why have people working on their own Forum when there is a really great Open Source forum out there in the form of phpBB?
I like Newbb it does its job very well, but I would prefer to have a XOOPS site with an
integrated phpBB forum, that way I could look at using some of those great mods and hacks for phpBB on my site.
But I suppose this is not the thread to raise a question in, so back to my question; why is CBB the only choice at the moment?
EDIT: Just to clarify I know you can get something called xIPB and I think there is an xPBB or something like that as well, but they require core hacks if I remember correctly, which means you need to rely on their developers staying on top of things to keep up with the XOOPS updates etc.