It is not actually a bug, but a place that causes inconveniences.
It the first phase of `forgot password` process a user who requested his password get a confirmation email with a link to activation page.
Why this link is without the domain name where XOOPS is intalled? I use version 2.2.2
I made a simple fix to this::
// XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
// Example: define('XOOPS_URL', '/xoops');
define('XOOPS_URL', '/xoops');
// XOOPS Domain
// The URL of domain where XOOPS is intalled
// Example:
http://www.your.domain.namedefine('XOOPS_DOMAIN', 'www.your.domain.name');
and than in lostpass.php
line 81: $xoopsMailer->assign("NEWPWD_LINK", "http://".XOOPS_DOMAIN.XOOPS_URL."/lostpass.php?email=".$email."&code=".$areyou);
I suppose that is not so trivial. Why a user should get an email without full link to the activation page? Or maybe I have some incomplete version of xoops?