Hi all.
I have looked on this site and have yet to find a module that could handle this. If any one knows of a pre existing module that can accomplish this please point me in the right direction. :)
My situation is as follows. I am making a local news website and a breaking news section is very important.
I would like to have the Breaking News section integrated into my News module.
For example. It would include a breakin news block. This block would include a 'display time' option.(say 1-24 hours). I could type up the breaking news story and then "program" it to stay on the site for say 6 hours. When the timer expires it would automatically move the story to the recent news block.
I am currently doing this manually with a custom block, but by doing that I am creating stories that are not integrated into my regular news module as far as tracking how many times the story is read, etc.
BTW it doesnt have to be news 1.4. I am willing to look at any module with this capability. I tried to modify news 1.4 to do this but my programing skills are non existent. I am willing to make mods with input from anyone who knows how to program this stuff :)
If you need a further/better explanation please ask.
Thanks for your input.