First, I must say that this module promises to be EXACTLY what I'm looking for. Problem is I can't seem to get it working properly.
My set up is: Windows 2000 Server, Apache 1.3.33, PHP 4.3.5, and MySQL 3.23.58.
I started out by testing the default index.html file that comes with the module and had some problems with a "Page Cannot be Found" Error. To resolve this, I did a small tweak to the auth/conf.php file as outlined earlier in this thread:
$auth_delimiter = "/";
$auth_delimiter = "?";
That took care of my problem, and the index.html was wrapped perfectly in my site.
Then, I put my PHP site that I wanted to wrap into the auth/sample folder, and set line 56 of auth/conf.php to:
$auth_user = array (
"/default" => "index.php" );
Now when I run the auth module, I get an access denied error in Xoops. I checked the permissions to the module in the user groups, and they looked fine. If I switch it back to the "index.html" file, it works fine as well.
I tried switching the $auth_delimiter bacak to "/" and that did not work either.
If I go directly to my path //, the page displays just fine.
Anyone run up against this trying to wrap a .PHP site inside of XOOPS using the Auth(e) module?
I would LOVE to get this working, and am pulling my (what little I have left) hair out trying to get this figured out!