Modules display wrong date\time
  • 2005/8/8 5:37

  • BlueEyes

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  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2005/6/5 1

Today I posted some news (news module) and events in Agenda-X, all of a sudden i notice the date and time had jumped ahead about 9 hours. The system time and date is correct but now the date & time in Minical, CBB and the news postings (all modules that display date and time) are all ahead 9 hours or so. Weird thing is this only displays if logged in as admin or registered user, anonymous users see the correct date & time on everything.

Did I jack something up? Any suggestions on how to fix it without removing the modules and reinstalling everything?

Re: Modules display wrong date\time

Check the date and time setting in your individual profile.

Re: Modules display wrong date\time
  • 2005/8/8 12:28

  • BlueEyes

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  • Since: 2005/6/5 1

There is no date and time settings in your individual profile I am aware of, where do you see these settings?

But I did fix it. I went into the Perferences>> System >>General settings and turned off the server timezone by setting it to Greenwich mean time 0. It is the server time zone setting that is doing it. For some reason XOOPS is grabbing the server time thinking its GMT 0 and adding a -7 hour offset to it.

Edit: Doing this made the time and date display correctly while I was logged in but changed the modules date\time to -7 hours when I logged out so I had to disable the default timezone as well and now it shows correctly for all users. Apparently XOOPS is getting the correct timestamps from the server and adjusting the timezones offsets according to the servers time stamp instead of Greenwich mean time 0.

Maybe XOOPS is coded expecting the server to be set to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Im wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Maybe its a new issue with 2.2RC. Its kind of strange too because it didnt affect XOOPS time & date only the modules. Was there a change somewhere in the last upgrade that affected how modules get the time and date from xoops?

Re: Modules display wrong date\time
  • 2005/8/26 14:55

  • new_bie

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I have the same problem,I have to change the setting in server timezone to + 7 hours,it didn´t work with the setting GMT 0..


Re: Modules display wrong date\time
  • 2005/8/26 15:17

  • adrock

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There is no date and time settings in your individual profile I am aware of, where do you see these settings?

User Menu --> Edit Account --> Third option from the top I believe...the one called 'Time Zone'!

If you are seeing different time when logged in as admin or another user than you do as an anonymous user...thats where you'll need to go to fix it.

Happy Xoopsing!
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Re: Modules display wrong date\time
  • 2005/8/26 15:30

  • new_bie

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 92

  • Since: 2005/1/29

the time is not ticking, I wonder how can I deactivate the time in the module news?
the time is 17:31 here in Sweden and the latest news shows 03:51:57

I log in as the administrator and I don´t see any settings to change the time Zone.
User Menu --> Edit Account --> where?
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