I just installed the new XOOPS 2.2.1 and found it extraordinary feature. That is, it has now the ability to add custom fields.
That leads to an extra-ordinary situation in which people can use the existing user database parallel to XOOPS installation and database.
For instance, if I want to import the postnuke user database, I can add some extra fields to the XOOPS user tables with the same name as postnuke table fieldnames. The user has in the same ID different set of profiles.
For instance if the field email is possible to rename and use it in the system, then there is a possibility to use a common postnuke or any other database togather with xoops. Hence for the login it would have
with the same email field like
user_email or pn_email
user_pass or pn_pass
Here if XOOPS is able to use the pn_email field for the user profiles, then it can be applied to the postnuke .
As a consequence, if the user changes the email or password within the website using postnuke installation, it will be automatically be within the XOOPS installation.
By this method one combines many installations of different CMS systems, provided the prefixes are the same.
Ofcourse, the encryption methods should be also the same for e.g. MD5, or so.
Also, it would be of a great help, if there is an import possibility to the XOOPS user tables, i.e. which fields goes in where or from postnuke user tables >>> XOOPS user tables.