Well, these files are just example, the code is quiet simple to read.
So you can easily adpat it to any module ou field you want.
You have to know what are the fields (into the sql file from module directory), then you adapt from that example the field in the same way.
I don't know anything about php code and it's quite easy to read and to meet your needs in data import.
What you can do is export your phpnuke data to cvs file then adapt the script to import into the right fields.
There is a project to import data from anyCMS to XOOPS (don(t know if modules are included), on dev.xoops.org, but ithas no file release yet. (I believe Christian (frxoops.org) is leading the project).
I'm not a developper, but it worked for me.
Just adapt the variables in the beginning of the php script, and the fields.
When I read it, I just look to one variable, see each time it appears, and guess why it needed and what it is doing.
Not very academic, but pragmatic on these kind of one file script.
Hope I was good help,
All the best.