In your Admin area
1) go to [Misc. Tools] - [Templates]
2) make sure you have already cloned another template set
since the default template set can't be changed. (If you
really want to change, go to your DB and change table
tpl_source - Field [tpl_source], Field [tpl_id] 4)
3) If you got the cloned template, then modilfy [system] -
[system_userform.html] as the following
remember me
4) After submiting the above change, go to [Preferences] -
[system] - [General settings] and change
[Default template set] to whatever you have just cloned
and modified.
Tip: After logout from your Admin, go to
http://www.anandamarga.org.uk/user.php. If you did not
see the change, just go ahead to delete all the temp
files in your "templates_c" folder, which is under your
XOOPS Root directory.