Hello All, thanks for taking the time to read this, here is my issue:
I have "notify by mail when new user registers" checked in preferences, i have "select group to which new user notification mail will be sent" set to Administrators and i have "select activation type of newly registered users" set to Activate Automatically.
The adminstrators group never receives the New User Notification email.
If i change the "select activation type of newly registered users" to either activation by user or activation administrator, the administrators group does receive the New User Notification emails.
So is this by design? After a few hours of beating my head against the wall it suddenly dawned on me that maybe this is intentional, maybe Admins dont want to know when people are automatically registered for their site?
For me i want to know a new user is registered when they register so i may add them to groups as soon as possible.
Any light that can be shed here is greatly appreciated. Thanks to all the devs for the great product and excellent mods.
Sorry guys just realized i posted this in the wrong forum, could an admin move it to General Usage Questions?