SmartMedia .85
  • 2005/7/1 3:43

  • gcomfx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/7/1 3

I'm really new to XOOPS so pardon my ignorance. I have a couple of possible bugs.

The first one took a while to track down what the problem was. Turns out if I turn on the Recent clips list block for any given group the block indeed works, however I get blank pages everywhere in the module. Not sure if this is a permissions thing or something I have setup wrong?

Second. The admin menu has a drop down for "Permissions" - which takes you to a 404 page. I've checked the downloads and it's not in there.

Re: SmartMedia .85

for blank page, see this FAQ Section.

Re: SmartMedia .85
  • 2005/7/1 14:23

  • gcomfx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/7/1 3

Ah there we go.... finally some errors.

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/paul/public_html/cms/modules/smartmedia/blocks/clips_recent.php on line 22

Here is the page in question:

* $Id: clips_recent.php,v 1.3 2005/06/02 13:33:37 malanciault Exp $
* Module: SmartMedia
* Author: The SmartFactory <http://www.smartfactory.ca>
* Licence: GNU

function b_smartmedia_clips_recent_show($options)
// This must contain the name of the folder in which reside SmartClient
if( !defined("SMARTMEDIA_DIRNAME") ){
define("SMARTMEDIA_DIRNAME", 'smartmedia');
include_once(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/" . SMARTMEDIA_DIRNAME . "/include/common.php");

//$max_clips = $options[0];
$title_length = $options[0];
$max_clips = $options[1];

$clipsArray =& $smartmedia_clip_handler->getClipsFromAdmin(0, $max_clips, 'clips.created_date', 'DESC', 'all');

If ($clipsArray) {
foreach ($clipsArray as $clipArray) {
$clip = array();
$clip['itemlink'] = '' . $clipArray['title']. '';
$block['clips'][] = $clip;
unset ($clip);

$block['smartmedia_url'] = SMARTMEDIA_URL;

return $block;

function b_smartmedia_clips_recent_edit($options)
$form = "";
$form .= "";
$form .= "";
$form .= "";
$form .= "";
$form .= "";
$form .= "";
$form .= "";
$form .= "";
$form .= "
" . _MB_SMEDIA_MAX_CLIPS . "" . "

return $form;

Re: SmartMedia .85

I have this white page problem with smartmedia on XOOPS 2.2.3. Only affects the blocks and groups page in the smartmedia admin and if you enable the block it will kill the pages you have it displayed on.


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