I'm really panicing now!!
I fixed the syntax error in the first problem block template (system_block_search.html) by copying and pasting from a new XOOPS download and overwriting the old one. That fixed that block, but then the user menu was blank. So I did the same thing with system_block_user. Then the Main Menu wouldn't work. So I did the same with system_block_mainmenu.html. Now whenever I click on any of the links (such as NewBB2) witrh debug mode on I get loads more errors relating to module templates as well and the display gets thrown out of whack.
The problem seems to be that my
default template set
and my cloned set all have these PHPSESSION values stuck in them. I have no idea why and have no idea how they got there.
If the default set was OK I'd just regenerate the templates from scratch but they aren't so whenever I try to clone I just get the same problem.
What the hell am I gonna do? My site is totally knackered!
If I want to create a new default template set using a fresh download of XOOPS (2.0.10) how do I do it? I think the default set is protected so I'm really stuffed!
Please help me...someone