Ok. I'm sorta back up and it was a pain in the neck too. Here are all the steps I took. Not sure what step, or steps, resolved the problem ... maybe a combination of all of them.
I was able to get a backup of the MySQL database, which saved my butt in the end.
I moved to another server totally. I don't "think" the old server was the problem, but I figured better to just make the change than waste a lot of time fighting the old server.
I installed XOOPS 2.0.10 from scratch. I did notice during my uploading via FTP (I use CuteFTP) that some of the file sizes would vary. I could not get all the way through the install, let alone get to the admin page.
I read somewhere here on the forums to transfer in binary instead of ascii. I re-uploaded all the files using binary and "most" of them maintained the same filesize. The install worked perfectly this time and I was able to get in.
I re-uploaded all the modules that were installed on the old server. I didn't bother to set any preferences at this point.
Once all the modules were installed I ran MySQLAdmin, dropped all the tables, and imported the backup I made from the old server. Other than a few formatting issues, the website is back up and running.
If anyone has any idea WHY this happened I would love to hear it.
Thanks for all the online (and offline) help.