And for those that don't speak Portuguese or English, take a look at the following words: abbreviation, abdication, abduction, abjuration, abolition, abomination, aborigines, absolute, absorption, abstention, abstraction, acacia.
You understand them perfectly, because they are English words. They are also French, and with some minor variations in spelling, Italian and Spanish too. Because they are English, French, Italian, and Spanish they may be called international. Actually they were chosen at random from the first pages of the dictionary of Interlingua, where they take their place with over 25,000 similar words.
Interlingua es un lingua international facile e de aspecto natural elaborate per linguistas professional como un denominator commun del linguas le plus diffundite in le mundo in le dominios del scientia, cultura, commercio, etc. Un texto in interlingua es immediatemente intelligibile a milliones de personas in tote le mundo, sin necessitate de studio previe.
Interlingua is the name given by a body called I.A.L.A. to its compilation, published in 1951, of the major part of the common element in the languages of the Western "civilization".