My XOOPS Drive is blocked by the Windows File Protection, and I dont rebember the part to decode the wikipedia time format to wiwimod. BUT,.... i write this conversor:
REPLACE INTO xoops_wiwi( id, keyword, title, body, lastmodified, u_id, visible, parent, pageid, prid, contextBlock )
SELECT cur_id, cur_title, cur_title, cur_text, cur_timestamp, cur_user, 1, 'underpop', cur_id, cur_id, ''
FROM cur
Is incomplete, need a small code to convert the time. But is working...
obs: I think that is so easy make a conversor without php... I believe that someone will think the same after look and understand this small code.
ah! Tip: remove all wiwi blocks from the initial page, and increse the memory values from mysql.ini before make the dump.