Looking good Cuckston
A few questions I have (which might be due to it not being complete yet);
1) There doesn't seem to be any edit function for the subscription types or users. Is this still to be added?
2) When adding a user manually, are you planning to implement an interface more like the find users section? If not, does the interface you have do any verification of the user entered against the XOOPS user database so no bogus entries are added?
3) With the add subscription section, would it be a good idea to have a non expiring option as well as the 1, 3, 6 and 12 month periods?
4) How are admins and subscribed users made aware when their subscription is about to be due?
5) Will it be possible to customise the subscription page from the main menu?
6) Will there be support for alternate payment methods, even if not fully automated or instant (same as aMember)?
7) I seem to get logged out when viewing the subscription section from the main menu. Is this still to be fixed?
8) Is there going to be any kind of sorting and filtering options in the subscription management areas?