After playing, studying it......I really could use some help with the Formulaire module.
(Previously I used liaise, but this module will not install within XOOPS Therefore Liaise isn't active!)
Ok, back to the formulaire module and my serious problems with it in which I hope to get some answers and help:
1) When the form has been send and you, the administrator want to reply to the sender, standard the emailadres of the administrator (to whom the filled in form has been send) comes within the reply adressbar instead of the senders emailaddress.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?
2). Below the sended form, the uid nr doesn't show up. Only: Submitted by and IP-addres (and if you activate browser..) But not the uid of the registered user.
3). After sending the filled in form I see a lot of error msgs within the redirect (php-debug active) message. They are all related to kernel/object.php.
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 279
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 280
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 370
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 279
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 280
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 370
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 279
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 280
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 370
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 279
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 280
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 370
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 279
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 280
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 370
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 279
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 280
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: id in file kernel/object.php line 370
4). It looks as if the module Edito and Formulaire are having block conflicts.
If I activate the formulaire block visible on ALL pages, and open up my editomodule of the website, I get a blank screen with the warning msg:
Warning [PHP]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xxx/xoops293/modules/formulaire/blocks/mymenu.php:250) in file modules/edito/index.php line 36
5). I don't understand the setting|:
- Receive the form filled (yes or no)
6). I don't understand the groups management different setting:
- Formulaire acces modules
- Formulaire
Think for a start this would be enough.
Hope anyone can help me out on this.
Grtz., Shine