completely locked out :( Help pleeeeease!
  • 2005/5/16 20:22

  • simonfoley

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2005/3/14

I added a new item yesterday which seemed to work fine and now at http://simonfoley.com/xoops/modules/news/ all three have gone and when I try to add a new one, I get nothing. Am I missing something really simple?

Now, when I go to administration I am getting "This is your first time to enter the administration section. Press the button below to proceed". and when I do, it just reloads.

I am completely at a loss, I have changed nothing. I thought it may be a borwser problem but I just checked it with IE and it is the same.


Re: completely locked out :( Help pleeeeease!
  • 2005/5/16 21:12

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

make sure your cache folder is writable.. chmod 777

Re: completely locked out :( Help pleeeeease!

Also doublecheck if a software firewall is blocking your HTTP REFERER (or "information about visited sites" or similer settings)

Re: completely locked out :( Help pleeeeease!
  • 2005/5/16 21:40

  • stefan88

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1086

  • Since: 2004/9/20

there is something wrong:
when I try to sybmit news (as anonymous user - not a good idea ;) ), I get a "error" and a "Thank you for submision ..."
Also the News archive brings a blank page.

Re: completely locked out :( Help pleeeeease!
  • 2005/5/17 13:09

  • simonfoley

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2005/3/14

I CHMOD'ed the cache anI can not log in as admin still and I also get the error message when I try to add news. can anyone think what it might be?

I am not sure abouot HTTP Referer as I have two sites and only one is having this problem. Strange.

Wow, it sucks to be locked out of admin


Re: completely locked out :( Help pleeeeease!
  • 2005/5/17 15:36

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

Now, this is getting interesting and I am very curious...
Does your problem (not being able to enter the adminarea but always getting that message "this is the first time blbla..") looks like the problem as mentioned within this topic?

Whatever I tried (and that was a lot!) nothing seemed to solve this issue. I ended up (still busy) with reinstalling a totally new XOOPS and entering all the content again. Even a drop of the backupped DB brought me back to the same problems.

What the reason of this suddenly occured problem was,..this is still a big riddle.

Grtz., Shine


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