email-notification is not possible for users email-address with domain-name like
I am trying to use email-notification from internal Forum in XOOPS-System to external email-address of user. So maybe it is a problem of emails within the domain (
http://www.mobilfunk-volksbegehren.de) of XOOPS-System?
The user can set these notification options himself and then should receive an notification via email for every posting that is subsribed to.
My Problem is:
it works allright for users with email-address outside of the domain, like
my@personal-domain.deit does not work for users with emails within the domain like
is not at surpass
at the domain-provider I set an email redirect with catch-all sending all emails to the
webmaster@www.mobilfunk-volksbegehren.debut maybe this catch-all doesnot like this sort of email-notification?
I'll ask my provider

)) anymind has an idea?
can I use redirects of cpanel-surpass, even when I am using external domain-provider (who maybe does not support this email-notification)?
thanks for advice and greetings
plz: see my posting at surpass hosting:
http://www.surmunity.com/showthread.php?p=117887#post117887 ps: can I set email-notification as default for poster so that the writer of a posting gets an email-notification for sure?