Ok - I sent you a PM, but I will explain further here.
Application and Roster is great. ALMOST works perfect. What I have found is this.
User can fill out Application no problem. IF...they have the letter "v" anywhere in their email address it will delete that "v"out and instead of an email address being
tgravel@cox.net" it is now "tgrael@cox.net". Furthermore - the admin email address - does the same exact thing. The only way I realized this was by looking in the PhPMyAdmin and looking at the Database for xRoster. I also was able to change my admin email to
cs58906@a3eclan.clanservers.com and started recieving all my test emails from the application. I checked further and nowhere in the rest of my site - Forums, News, etc. does the "v" get dropped off (actually what happens is it just deletes the "v" and shrinks the word ie: vvvaavmv turns into aam). Also and this is what is almost as troubling, is knowing that at least something is coming through, albeit wrong emails, when I go to Approve New Members under the Admin for xRoster, it says "There are no new applicants yet".
I will be willing to give you access to my site to see if there is anyway to fix this problem. I love this Module and will be willing to link to SOE or you and give credit where credit is due. Thank you in advance for any future help you can provide and for all the help you have given thus far. Sincerely ,Troy.