phpNuke to XOOPS Conversion
  • 2005/4/15 4:07

  • DevlshOne

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2005/4/15

Hi all,

I'me very excited about XOOPS as I have been watching it's progress for quite some time. I am seriously considering converting my 3-4 year old WELL ESTABLISHED gaming fansites over to XOOPS but have a few concerns.

1) Is the XOOPS support exceptional? The tutorials and documentation look great but I may need a small amount of specialized assistance getting everything to convert over.

2) Is XOOPS secure? Although great strides have been made in phpNuke (with Sentinel), it's still a real PIA to get it as secure as I would like. Even with the latest security add-ons, my phpNuke installs have been zapped a few times.

3) Is there a conversion program to swap over my HUGE membership and forums databases to the XOOPS format or will I need to write my own?

4) Has anyone successfully integrated a Forums system BESIDES the XOOPS forum into the XOOPS system? I've re-written the old XForum system quite extensively and am quite fond of the changes and upgrades that I have made to it and so are my 30,000+ users.

5) Is theming and templating capable without the use of Photoshop? I'm no expert in ImageReady and would like to be able to move most of my current theming over to the new product.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: phpNuke to XOOPS Conversion
  • 2005/4/15 4:30

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

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1. XOOPS support.. well read the forums etc and you'll find out for yourself how good support is..

2. secure as secure can be.. (nothing is 100% secure) but it's a hell of a lot securer than nuke.

3. search the forum there's a few posts regarding conversion.. i'm not sure myself as i never needed to..

4. again search the forum, and you'll find lots of info regarding forums.. mainly newbb, newbb2, phpbb2, and ipb.

5. yes theming and templating is easy enough.. there's a great tutotial somewhere though i can't remember exactly where that tells u how to convert nuke themes to xoops.. though just looking at an existing theme etc should give u some idea..

hope this is somewhat useful.. sorry i can't answer all your questions as much as u may require..

Re: phpNuke to XOOPS Conversion
  • 2005/4/15 5:13

  • Bassman

  • Friend of XOOPS

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I can convert your site theme to XOOPS if you need someone to do it for you. PM me if you want a quote.

Re: phpNuke to XOOPS Conversion
  • 2005/4/16 0:56

  • DevlshOne

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Well, I gotta tell ya. I am very impressed with XOOPS. I have converted almost an entire theme over from phpnuke and most of the databases. I am running a VERY hacked-up fixed-up and modified version of XForum that uses the nuke_users database instead of a seperate one and the conversion went quite smooth.

I've found the themes very easy to modify through CSS and things are really looking up. I might even have it going by the end of the weekend!!

Thanks for all the replies and the great product.

Re: phpNuke to XOOPS Conversion
  • 2005/4/16 3:05

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

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If you have come up with a script to convert from Nuke to Xoops, would you mind sharing it with the community?

I'm in the process of converting a medium size college site running the latest version of Nuke and the only way I've found to do it is a text editor and the two DBs opened in seperate windows. Very tedious.


Re: phpNuke to XOOPS Conversion
  • 2005/4/16 6:12

  • Speed

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There was a really good conversion script that I used about a year ago. The only thing that didn't convert was BB code. But all users, PM's and forums converted without a hitch.

I think the script I used was by bd_csmc. If you search on NUKE and CONVERSION you should get quite a few hits. There might be more recent scripts available but I figured any starting point is better than none.

Re: phpNuke to XOOPS Conversion
  • 2005/4/17 8:16

  • DevlshOne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2005/4/15


JMorris wrote:
If you have come up with a script to convert from Nuke to Xoops, would you mind sharing it with the community?


I'm doing it a bit at a time. When the entire conversion script is done I'm going to test the whole sh-bang at once and then I'll release it. It's gonna be one mighty big php file when I'm finished but it seems to be working great.

The only downfall to releasing it is that I do not use phpBB, I use XForum, and a heavily modified version of it, at that. So all my forums conversions are built around that. However, anyone with some PHP knowledge should be able to modify that portion of the script and the rest of nuke 7.6 should convert right on over to XOOPS.


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