Here's a few bits from my
register.php (FYI, I use XOOPS,
lines 155-186:
// OpenTable();
echo "Please review the following information:
echo _US_USERNAME.": ".$myts->makeTboxData4Preview($uname)."
echo _US_NAME.": ".$myts->makeTboxData4Preview($name)."
echo _US_LOCATION.": ".$myts->makeTboxData4Preview($user_from)."
echo _US_EMAIL.": ".$myts->makeTboxData4Preview($email)."
//if ( $user_avatar != '' ) {
// echo _US_AVATAR.":
if ( isset($url) && $url != '' ) {
$url = formatURL($myts->makeTboxData4Preview($url));
echo _US_WEBSITE.": $url
$f_timezone = ($timezone_offset < 0) ? 'GMT '.$timezone_offset : 'GMT +'.$timezone_offset;
echo _US_TIMEZONE.": $f_timezone
echo "If the above information to be correct, please click the Finish button below to receive your registration e-mail.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using an online e-mail provider such as Yahoo, AOL or MSN, you may need to check your Trash or Junk mail folder for your registration e-mail. To prevent this from happening in the future, please add our web address to your Safe or Trusted sites list in your email settings.
echo "";
// CloseTable();
these are
lines 194-218 (same file):
case 'finish':
include 'header.php';
$uname = trim($uname);
$email = trim($email);
$name = trim($name);
$pass = trim($pass);
$vpass = trim($vpass);
$stop = userCheck($uname, $email, $pass, $vpass);
if ( empty($stop) ) {
$member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
$newuser =& $member_handler->createUser();
if ( isset($user_viewemail) ) {
if ( isset($attachsig) ) {
$name = isset($name) ? $name : '';
$newuser->setVar('name', $name);
$newuser->setVar('uname', $uname);
$newuser->setVar('email', $email);
$newuser->setVar('location', $user_from);
if ( isset($url) && $url!='' ) {
$newuser->setVar('url', formatURL($url));
Does this look okay? I don't see anything wrong here or maybe I'm just going blind...?
Edit: I can post the whole file if you like, just let me know. Thanks for helping out here.