Fresh install of this latest news module.
I've got the block recent news active with the setting of activate it's spotlight feature.
There are 2 things I stumble into:
1). If I log out and log in again, I get to see the spotlight as meant to be. But after I click on one of the tabs and go back to the home, the spotlight doesn't show anymore. I repeatatly click on the tab spotlight but nothing happens. Only the tabs of other newscatewgories work.
(caching is not active)
It looks the only time spotlight works is when you are fresh on the website. As soon you've touched one of the tabs, the spotlight feature gets disabled.
2). Using the imagemanager and inserting a spotlight image the alignments don't work. Although I say the image alignment = right, it puts the image on the left. Next to this, the text alignment is then getting nasty. It gets pushed some linebreaks downwards, and places itself right in the horizontal middle of the image.
Do other encounter the same and, last but not least is there a way to solve this all?
Grtz., Shine