Hello again catalin.
Please, would yo send me a copy of the file "search.inc.php" that is in modules\cdbase\include?
Is the file that control de search on modules.
I want to compare this with the mine. My search doesn't work well.
I think the first part of the file in not well writen:
function cdbase_search($queryarray, $andor, $limit, $offset, $userid)
global $xoopsDB;
$ret = array();
if ( $userid != 0 ) {
return $ret;
$dis = $xoopsDB->prefix("cdbase_discs");
$art = $xoopsDB->prefix("cdbase_artists");
$lyr = $xoopsDB->prefix("cdbase_lyrics");
$sql = "SELECT ".$dis.".id_art, ".$dis.".album, ".$art.".artista, ".$lyr.".titulo "
. "FROM ".$dis.", ".$art.", ".$lyr
." WHERE ((".$art.".id_art = ".$dis.".id_art) AND (".$art.".id_art = ".$lyr.".id_art))";
// because count() returns 1 even if a supplied variable
// is not an array, we must check if $querryarray is really an array
My e-mail adress is
lalala@terra.esThanks in advance.