Re: xcgal slideshow.

problem solved.
for those who need the same thing they can do it by removing this line:


from xcgal/templates/xcgal_display.html
and all is okay after that.
Case closed!

xcgal slideshow.

Is there any way and how to disable slideshow in xcgallery?
Or to disable only for guest users?

If not possible for guest,how to disable it for all users?

webphoto myalbum

I have xoops
I wanted to ask if this is possible.

To transfer all photos from myalbum to webphoto?
How to install webphoto in and wich version do i need?As there 2 version one with HTML and one with XOOPS trust path.
I tryed with both ,if i try the html to install is saying that i did not declared the trust path into mainfile.php
Then i tryed with the xoops trust path variant webphot,and is saying on Modules administration :not permit.

Don t know exactly wich of those i have to put.
Any website or demo of webphoto from what i did readed is good.
Is there any sitemap module working with webphoto?As i did not finded none,but at least good that he haves rss.
And does anyone know from where i can find this :
Myalbum +RSS :
Is not there anymore.If somebody can post an download link to this,i really appreciate it.
And somebody used WEBPHOTO ,if it can tell me if this solve my problems i writed all here :

and here:
I really need pagination for categories,like the photos are having,and pagination into the system admin for the categories also,as i have many,and soon the webpage will not load anymore.

myalbum pagination

How can i add pagination into :
myalbum /admin

More exactly in ADD EDIT CATEGORIES from the component myalbum i have many categories around 1000 and is loading quite slow.
How to add xoops page navigation to display only 10 or 50 or 100 per page in the myalbum ?!

This is the code : how to add pagination to it :

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// myAlbum-P - XOOPS photo album //
// <http://www.peak.ne.jp/> //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

function display_edit_form( $cat_array , $form_title , $action )
global $cattree ;

$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

extract( $cat_array ) ;

// Beggining of XoopsForm
$form = new XoopsThemeForm( $form_title , 'MainForm' , '' ) ;

// Hidden
$form->addElement( new XoopsFormHidden( 'action' , $action ) ) ;
$form->addElement( new XoopsFormHidden( 'cid' , $cid ) ) ;

// Title
$form->addElement( new XoopsFormText( _AM_CAT_TH_TITLE , 'title' , 30 , 50 , $myts->htmlSpecialChars( $title ) ) , true ) ;

// Image URL
$form->addElement( new XoopsFormText( _AM_CAT_TH_IMGURL , 'imgurl' , 50 , 150 , $myts->htmlSpecialChars( $imgurl ) ) ) ;

// Parent Category
ob_start() ;
$cattree->makeMySelBox( "title" , "title" , $pid , 1 , 'pid' ) ;
$cat_selbox = ob_get_contents() ;
ob_end_clean() ;
$form->addElement( new XoopsFormLabel( _AM_CAT_TH_PARENT , $cat_selbox ) ) ;

// Buttons
$button_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray( '' , ' ' ) ;
$button_tray->addElement( new XoopsFormButton( '' , 'submit' , _SUBMIT, 'submit' ) ) ;
$button_tray->addElement( new XoopsFormButton( '' , 'reset' , _CANCEL, 'reset' ) ) ;
$form->addElement( $button_tray ) ;

// Ticket
$GLOBALS['xoopsGTicket']->addTicketXoopsFormElement( $form , __LINE__ ) ;

// End of XoopsForm

function mysql_get_sql_set( $cols )
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

$ret = "" ;

foreach( $cols as $col => $types ) {

list( $field , $lang , $essential ) = explode( ':' , $types ) ;

// Undefined col is regarded as ''
$data = empty( $_POST[ $col ] ) ? '' : $myts->stripSlashesGPC( $_POST[ $col ] ) ;

// Check if essential
if( $essential && ! $data ) {
die( sprintf( "Error: %s is not set" , $col ) ) ;

// Language
switch( $lang ) {
case 'N' : // Number (remove ,)
$data = str_replace( "," , "" , $data ) ;
break ;
case 'J' : // Japanese
$data = mb_convert_kana( $data , "KV" ) ;
break ;
case 'E' : // English
// $data = mb_convert_kana( $data , "as" ) ;
$data = $data ;
break ;

// DataType
switch( $field ) {
case 'A' : // textarea
$data = addslashes( $data ) ;
$ret .= "$col='$data'," ;
break ;
case 'I' : // integer
$data = intval( $data ) ;
$ret .= "$col='$data'," ;
break ;
case 'F' : // float
$data = doubleval( $data ) ;
$ret .= "$col='$data'," ;
break ;
default : // varchar (default)
if( $field < 1 ) $field = 255 ;
if( function_exists( 'mb_strcut' ) ) $data = mb_strcut( $data , 0 , $field ) ;
$data = addslashes( $data ) ;
$ret .= "$col='$data'," ;

// Remove ',' in the tale of sql
$ret = substr( $ret , 0 , -1 ) ;

return $ret ;

include "admin_header.php" ;
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/include/xoopscodes.php" ;
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsformloader.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopslists.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopstree.php" ;
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopscomments.php" ;

// branch for altsys
if( defined( 'XOOPS_TRUST_PATH' ) && ! empty( $_GET['lib'] ) ) {
$mydirname = basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) ;
$mydirpath = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ;

// common libs (eg. altsys)
$lib = preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/' , '' , $_GET['lib'] ) ;
$page = preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/' , '' , @$_GET['page'] ) ;

if( file_exists( XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/libs/'.$lib.'/'.$page.'.php' ) ) {
include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/libs/'.$lib.'/'.$page.'.php' ;
} else if( file_exists( XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/libs/'.$lib.'/index.php' ) ) {
include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/libs/'.$lib.'/index.php' ;
} else {
die( 'wrong request' ) ;
exit ;

// GPCS vars
$action = isset( $_POST[ 'action' ] ) ? $_POST[ 'action' ] : '' ;
$disp = isset( $_GET[ 'disp' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'disp' ] : '' ;
$cid = isset( $_GET[ 'cid' ] ) ? intval( $_GET[ 'cid' ] ) : 0 ;

// Initializations
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$cattree = new XoopsTree( $table_cat , "cid" , "pid" ) ;

// DB part
if( $action == "insert" ) {

// Ticket Check
if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {

// newly insert
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table_cat SET " ;
$cols = array( "pid" => "I:N:0" ,"title" => "50:E:1" ,"imgurl" => "150:E:0" ) ;
$sql .= mysql_get_sql_set( $cols ) ;
$xoopsDB->query( $sql ) or die( "DB Error: insert category" ) ;

// Check if cid == pid
$cid = $xoopsDB->getInsertId() ;
if( $cid == intval( $_POST['pid'] ) ) {
$xoopsDB->query( "UPDATE $table_cat SET pid='0' WHERE cid='$cid'" ) ;

redirect_header( "index.php" , 1 , _AM_CAT_INSERTED ) ;
exit ;

} else if( $action == "update" && ! empty( $_POST['cid'] ) ) {

// Ticket Check
if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {

$cid = intval( $_POST['cid'] ) ;
$pid = intval( $_POST['pid'] ) ;

// Check if new pid was a child of cid
if( $pid != 0 ) {
$children = $cattree->getAllChildId( $cid ) ;
$children[] = $cid ;
foreach( $children as $child ) {
if( $child == $pid ) die( "category looping has occurred" ) ;

// update
$sql = "UPDATE $table_cat SET " ;
$cols = array( "pid" => "I:N:0" ,"title" => "50:E:1" ,"imgurl" => "150:E:0" ) ;
$sql .= mysql_get_sql_set( $cols ) . " WHERE cid='$cid'" ;
$xoopsDB->query( $sql ) or die( "DB Error: update category" ) ;
redirect_header( "index.php" , 1 , _AM_CAT_UPDATED ) ;
exit ;

} else if( ! empty( $_POST['delcat'] ) ) {

// Ticket Check
if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {

// Delete
$cid = intval( $_POST['delcat'] ) ;

//get all categories under the specified category
$children = $cattree->getAllChildId( $cid ) ;
$whr = "cid IN (" ;
foreach( $children as $child ) {
$whr .= "$child," ;
xoops_notification_deletebyitem( $myalbum_mid , 'category' , $child ) ;
$whr .= "$cid)" ;
xoops_notification_deletebyitem( $myalbum_mid , 'category' , $cid ) ;

myalbum_delete_photos( $whr ) ;

$xoopsDB->query( "DELETE FROM $table_cat WHERE $whr" ) or die( "DB error: DELETE cat table" ) ;
redirect_header( 'index.php' , 2 , _ALBM_CATDELETED ) ;
exit ;

} else if( ! empty( $_POST['batch_update'] ) ) {

// Batch update


// Form Part
xoops_cp_header() ;
include( './mymenu.php' ) ;

// check $xoopsModule
if( ! is_object( $xoopsModule ) ) redirect_header( "$mod_url/" , 1 , _NOPERM ) ;
echo "

".sprintf( _AM_H3_FMT_CATEGORIES , $xoopsModule->name() )."

\n" ;

if( $disp == "edit" && $cid > 0 ) {

// Editing
$sql = "SELECT cid,pid,title,imgurl FROM $table_cat WHERE cid='$cid'" ;
$crs = $xoopsDB->query( $sql ) ;
$cat_array = $xoopsDB->fetchArray( $crs ) ;
display_edit_form( $cat_array , _AM_CAT_MENU_EDIT , 'update' ) ;

} else if( $disp == "new" ) {

// New
$cat_array = array( 'cid' => 0 , 'pid' => $cid , 'title' => '' , 'imgurl' => 'http://' ) ;
display_edit_form( $cat_array , _AM_CAT_MENU_NEW , 'insert' ) ;

} else {

// Listing
$cat_tree_array = $cattree->getChildTreeArray( 0 , 'title' ) ;

// Get ghost categories
$live_cids = $cattree->getAllChildId(0);
$whr_cid = "cid NOT IN (" ;
foreach( $live_cids as $cid ) {
$whr_cid .= "$cid," ;
$whr_cid .= "0)" ;
$rs = $xoopsDB->query( "SELECT * FROM $table_cat WHERE $whr_cid" ) ;
if( $xoopsDB->fetchArray( $rs ) != false ) {
$xoopsDB->queryF( "UPDATE $table_cat SET pid='0' WHERE $whr_cid" ) ;
redirect_header( 'index.php' , 0 , 'A Ghost Category found.' ) ;
exit ;

// Waiting Admission
$ars = $xoopsDB->query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_photos WHERE status=0" ) ;
list( $waiting ) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow( $ars ) ;
$link_admission = $waiting > 0 ? sprintf( _AM_CAT_FMT_NEEDADMISSION , $waiting ) : '' ;

// Top links
echo "


\n" ;

// TH
echo "

".$xoopsGTicket->getTicketHtml( __LINE__ )."

" ;

// TD
$oddeven = 'odd' ;
foreach( $cat_tree_array as $cat_node ) {
$oddeven = $oddeven == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd' ;
extract( $cat_node ) ;

$prefix = str_replace( '.' , ' --' , substr( $prefix , 1 ) ) ;
$cid = intval( $cid ) ;
$del_confirm = 'confirm("' . sprintf( _AM_CAT_FMT_CATDELCONFIRM , $title ) . '")' ;
$prs = $xoopsDB->query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_photos WHERE cid='$cid'" ) ;
list( $photos_num ) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow( $prs ) ;
if( $imgurl && $imgurl != 'http://' ) $imgsrc4show = $myts->htmlSpecialChars( $imgurl ) ;
else $imgsrc4show = '../images/pixel_trans.gif' ;

echo "

\n" ;

// Table footer
echo "

$prefix ".$myts->htmlSpecialChars($title)."


" ;


myalbum categories...

My album 2.88- Issue:
I wanted to ask if anybody knows how to do this: in the prefferences of my album is:

Displayed Photos per Page Input selectable numbers separated with '|'
eg) 10|20|50|100

And you can put 10,20,50,100,etc.

How to put an new function :
Displayed Categories per Page Input ?

More exactly if i have 1000 galeries,to display in main index,and in any of the subcategories just 10 galleries in first page,then another 10,so to be 100 pages with 10 categories,instead of 1 with 1000 galeries,because that will cause load problems to users.
Or maybe there is an hack or something,that can do that,or is an feature.
I have myalbum version : 2.88.
If anybody know or haved this problem and know how to solve it and can get me on the right direction much appreciated.

Re: Myalbum adjust code

problem solved.thank you again.

Re: Spammer or spam bot?

spambot for sure!

Re: Myalbum adjust code

okay thank you!

Re: htaccess rewrite trick

and if i put that kind of image user can click on it ?and to enter my site?!That was my question...thanks..
p.s:i`ve just tested if you put this:
RewriteRule .*\.(gif|jpg|pdf|zip|rar)$ http://yoursite.com/tricky-image.jpg [R,NC]
It will show the image but when you click on it it will not go to yoursite.com will open an new window and display the picture tricky-image more larger...
And i`ve tested with :
RewriteRule .*\.(gif|jpg|pdf|zip|rar)$ http://www.yoursite.com [R,NC]
If you put like this it will display an big X blank image and if you click open new window with an big X ...so normaly i need when it shows that big X or that image not to open an new window with that image or the big X i need to open an new window to http://www.mysite.com ....any solution for this?!
Or how to put an redirect on htacces from that trickimage.jpg when someone try to click on it to redirect it to http://www.mysite.com ?!This maybe an solution too but how to do it more exactly?!

Re: htaccess rewrite trick

any have any idea?

(1) 2 3 4 ... 38 »


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