make sure templates_c is writable!!
This time I didnt create a new database beforehand but just imported the sql file because otherwise it would sometimes tell me database xxx already exists. Everything went perfect too until the XOOPS installation reached the database check and it said "Tables for XOOPS2 already exist in your database" -.- So its #1 set up database #2 install XOOPS #3 restore db? But then I'll have to use another backup cause that specific file seems to have a create db command included... im so lost
that's not entirely the right way to migrate..
because you are importing all your tables from before, the database will already be created.. so in essence there's no need whatsoever to go thru the XOOPS installation procedure.. just copy mainfile.php from your old site to your new site, and edit the relevant sections inside it such as db name, username, password, host and the paths.. and that should then work..