Quoting from another thread, but starting a new one so as not to drag the other thread totally off-topic:
Generally, what is the maximum amount of traffic that an XOOPS site can handle on a shared server (without frequent slowdowns, crashes, or getting shutdown by the hosting service)?
I am really hoping someone can give at least a rough answer to this question.
Also, what level of traffic is considered a high-traffic site, what level moderate, etc?
I'm maintaining a site for a friend who's away on a road-trip. She used to get traffic of about 1500 pages served a day; recently it's gone up to an average of 17000 pages served a day this month. (That's pages, not unique hits - since the site is down, I can't get into the logs to give more details.) That does not, to me, look like a huge amount of traffic, even though it's a big increase. However, the host says our site was crashing the server, and after some back and forth with tech support trying to sort it out (two weeks of it going down, being put back up, and crashing again), they have said they think we should find a new host because we have too much traffic and too many hits on the database from our main page for them to handle.
We have 64 blocks on the main page, most of them cached, and the most users I've ever seen online at one time was 40 or 50 (registered users and browsers). Usually it's more like 20. I notice that as I type this, Xoops.org has 148 users online.
So - I'm looking around at new hosts, considering Hostrocket.com right now. I'm basically looking for some feedback on whether I am right to think that my current host is being profoundly crap over this, and an idea of how much traffic is considered "high traffic" for Xoops. I am also fairly clueless when it comes to the more technical end of things, so I have no clue how to work out how much bandwidth I need per month (current host is unmetered traffic). Hostrocket's cheapest deal comes with more than enough space for us (the whole site is only abouot 25 mg), and 50gb bandwidth a month. The site will have a photo gallery at some point but at the moment it's mostly forums and text, no film clips or sound files or anything of that nature.
All and any feedback welcomed, thanks.