Well, my vision is (rather) different.
For Mambo (for example) only Smarty requirement are missing, but - I can write a huge list of excellent themes for Mambo... And just to note: mambo themes are extremely worse readable by eyes, mambers even develop plufin for DW for theme-designers.
e107 theme's reading is nightmare - I (maybe only I? Who knows...) can't imagine it on sources preview. But e107themes.de lists a lot of elegant, well-designed (in terms of impression) themes...
Contrary to XOOPS - where we have active, big community, but only small subset of attractive themes, really attractive, memorable, with unusual graphical solutions...
I promise to change this situation - I prepared ToDo with 100+ themes, which I want to see in XOOPS-world. And I already started this project... CSS stuff is my weakest side, and only this part of work can add visible delays on my theme factory.