Debaser user upload problem
  • 2004/12/23 6:08

  • Debikul

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/18

When I have a user submt an mp3 or such, this one of these happens:

1. The file upload was a success. I can approve it in my admin, BUT, the file doesn't exist. I check the upload directory and the file isn't there. I do have webmaster and registered user upload on, but the file does not show up and is not found. Is there a file I can modify to sned the file directly to the /upload instead of where ever it is going? I have the permission for the folder set right, and have even uploadded myself though the admin. But when a user does, I just get the info for the file and approve it, the file is gone. What is up with that. Also, all special characters like 8, /, ' are not in the file name to prevent the upload and file path to be correct.

2. Also, I sometimes get a file already exists error. I have no idea what that is about.

Help me. My site is very dependent on this mod and I need it to work correcrtly.

Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2004/12/23 8:07

  • Anonymous

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I think I found the problem (which should NOT happen, I am really puzzled).

The behaviour you described only happens to me when the file size of the file (bytes) is higher than the max. upload size (which is set in debaser preferences). The theory! says that there should be a failure warning if this happens, but this is not the case. Please compare the upload_max_size-value in your php.ini and the value you set for max. upload size and maybe set it to a higher value.

This bug will be fixed in the next version.

To the "already exist" problem: Erm, cough! My fault, I never expected to develop this module so far. So there are still remains of the only-mp3-player-past inside the code. What happens is a comparison of the title of the file. If there are files with the same title there comes an "alread exist" warning.

If there is no title (especially for non-mp3-files) the file name will be taken as title, but if the upload fails due to the bug I described before, there is even no file name and if you try it again with another file and the bug occurs again then there are two database entries with the title 'blank' which is forbidden.

I hope you'll find my explanations understandable and helpful.

Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2004/12/23 8:20

  • Debikul

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/18

You talking about adjusting the size in the php.ini file? Or the one in the debaser program itself.

I have changed the max upload on debaser to 50megs. SHould I change it to the same in php.ini?

By the way, this is an excellent mod and I do think that you should pursue this even further. I use this mod as pretty much the basis of my site. Thought I should tell you that since I go your attention. hehe.

Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2004/12/23 8:57

  • Anonymous

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I have changed the max upload on debaser to 50megs. SHould I change it to the same in php.ini?

I don't know the value of the upload_max_filesize and I don't how big the files will be that your users are usually going to upload. But the values should be the same for proper working.

But don't set the values to high, otherwise the server hd will exhausted when the users are sending gigabytes of data.

By the way, this is an excellent mod and I do think that you should pursue this even further. I use this mod as pretty much the basis of my site. Thought I should tell you that since I go your attention. hehe.

[joking]Develop the module further? I thought it is perfect?[/joking]

No, serious: Are there any features missing so far? Next big step on my todo-list are user-playlists for audio files and PERHAPS lame support for reencoding mp3s on-the-fly.

AND: Thank you for the flowers. Nice to hear that this "thing" is of value to someone.

Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2004/12/23 10:25

  • Debikul

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/18

Also, I was wondering if there was a way to make the popup window to resize itself to fit the video without scroll bars that I can embed in the player or whatever.

I have the video to play at a fixed size, but sometimes I get a really small window and have to click and drag it to fit the video into the popup.

And yeah, I changed the php.ini file, rebooted the server let the new settings take affect and it works now.


Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2004/12/23 12:23

  • Anonymous

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And I am wondering if you are using version 0.9 or 0.91 (ups, reminds me that I still have to release the update-script). One difference is that 0.91 has a better popup-script (fit to content). Works perfectly with IE and Firefox.

Upcoming version has some small changes in player administration. In 0.92 you have separate fields for width and height for each player. This was necessary because 0.92 has blocks in which files will be directly played and I was too lazy to write the same player code again for the blocks.

Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2004/12/23 22:14

  • Debikul

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/12/18

Cool. When do you think you will have the new version ready to release?

Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2005/7/16 2:34

  • drummond

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  • Posts: 36

  • Since: 2004/6/19

I don't know if anyone is still working on this module or not, but I would like to say that it is SWEET! It is exactly what I was looking for! I have run into one snag though...

I have entered in 2 categories--one for Real Audio versions and one for Windows Media versions of songs. I got 2 tracks entered into the 2nd category and then it started telling me that the "File already exists." It tells me that even if the new track is assigned a different, name, album, track, weight, etc. than ANY other file when uploading. But even though it won't add the entry into the database, it does upload the track's file to the server. It is wierd.

Does anyone have an idea of what is going on?

Well, commenting out:

mpegExist($artist, $title);

in upload.php takes care of that problem.

Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2005/7/16 8:54

  • frankblack

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 830

  • Since: 2005/6/13

but I would like to say that it is SWEET!

I heard many things about my module, but nothing came close to SWEET! LOL

Next version up will compare the complete file, that means same content but different file types will be allowed.

Thanks for hinting!

Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2005/11/1 20:59

  • mzgrafx

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  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2005/11/1

Hi, I think this script is awesome also, (here it comes, the inevitable but) but, when a user tries uploading a video file whether its mpeg, or wmv. It gives the following error:

Errors Returned While Uploading
Mimetype not allowed: video/mpeg

I am using version 2.2.3 Final and version .92 of debaser. All of the mime types are enabled for users, and I have set the max upload size to 15,000,000 bytes = 15 mb. My php_info is set correctly because, my coppermine gallery is accepting video uploads without any problems. You can test, the XOOPS at
http://www.flixnpix.net/xps/ feel free to make an account and try it. If you want to test the coppermine, http://www.flixnpix.net

My main objective is to replace the coppermine gallery with xoops, xcgallery, and debaser.


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