Policy: PM'ing Webmasters

This is getting a bit out of hand and therefore this service announcement:

PM's sent to me that could just as well be asked in the forums will be deleted on sight and ignored.

I try to give good answers to as many problems and posts as I can, but I am getting really tired of receiving PM's with questions such as:

- How do I make a module?
- I get a blank page, what is wrong?
- Could you look at this thread, please (link to thread about blank page or other problems available in the XOOPS FAQ)

We have SO much information available through searching the forums and in the XOOPS FAQ that I really don't have time for responding to such enquiries. This is nothing personal and I hate to ignore people like that - but that's how it is.

You are still welcome to send PM's to the webmasters with enquiries such as these:

- This user [xxx] is spamming
- I have discovered a security hole in XOOPS/a XOOPS module
- I submitted a module to the repository more than a week ago, did you receive it?
- This/these xoops.org page(s) throw errors/are blank/look messed up

I cannot speak on behalf of the other webmasters, but I will enforce this policy on my own PM inbox from this moment onwards.

Thank you for your understanding

Re: Policy: PM
  • 2004/12/18 10:52

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

It may sound a bit harsh, but I fully agree with Mith here. We get a lot of those support request messages (not just thru the PM feature here on xoops.org, but also on MSN, YIM ICQ etc.), the answers to which are commonly available on this website.

We're a friendly community and try to help everyone, so help us be able to help as many people as possible by using the FAQ and forums correctly

bytheway: if you have a question you feel should be in the FAQ, please submit it, it's open to everyone!


Re: Policy: PM

Just bumping this, because people seem to not have understood the point.

IF your thread is interesting enough, I will look at it - if it is not, you won't get me to give you a good reply just by PM'ing me until I respond. Stop it!

Re: Policy: PM'ing Webmasters

People need a reminder of this, it seems.

Also, I have to add this:

1) Don't write to me in other languages than English or Danish - PM's in German, French, Spanish or Japanese are deleted on sight

2) Don't submit news, links, modules or any other content on this site in non-English. You may write additional comments in other languages if you feel it is needed or useful, but the main message must be in English.


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