okay, so then, what you're needing is essentially what i've created with the multisites mod & the wfdownloads mod (where i can assign categories/downloads to certain sites), but you want that functionality in a *single* website.
well, with my SID modifications, that could already be done, but in your case, instead of standing for 'Site ID', it'd be more like 'Section ID'. semantics..
in one variation of my site modifications, i have a 'site_register' table, which holds information regarding each site and it's details. well, we could do something similar, having a section registry, where global sections are defined, and then within each module (with modifications) you would be able to assign content either to a certain section, or globally.
i haven't messed with the ability to select "some but not all" sites/sections yet, to keep things simple for now.
i'll see if i can implement the site/section mod in a fresh install of xoops. i've got quite a few other projects going on, ehehe, but this has me intrigued, and i'm thinking this could benefit the multisites mod as well.
anyone have any module requests that i should mod as well? i won't do many, but i'll include the wfdownloads module, and i could maybe do AMS (depending on how complicated that would be). it was fairly simple with wf-downloads, since it used some XOOPS core functions for displaying categories, so i just needed to modify the core functions and implement a couple of small changes to the module.