Since a few months I am using XOOPS succesfully on Windows2003 server (IIS)
Now on a different machine with a fresh installation of Windows 2003 (and essential fixes), MySQL 3.23.58 and PHP 4.3.9 the trouble starts.
Installationproces works fine. I even can login as admin.
I can access the administration menu (wwwroot/admin.php)
Trouble starts when entering the system admin menu (wwwroot/modules/system/admin.php) for setting my preferences etc.
There is a blank page.
For several days know I am struggling with this problem I followed the instruction at the WIKI troubleshoot part and XOOPS for Dummies.
I learned a lot but the problem is not fixed. There is no error message at all. Even after following all instruction from the sites I mentioned.
After all I installed the machine again with a fresh Windows2003, PHP and MySQL (same versions)
Start all over again... Same problem, No solution
For now I ask for your help. I can't get it fixed.
You can look at and login with
username: admin and password: xoopsYou will see the default theme, Logging in will work, clicking the administration menu wil work. But entering the system menu for setting preferences, grouppermissions etc. will NOT work. It seems to me that is quit necesserily.
So please try, see and give your reaction.
When you need more information please ask for it.