Looking for dynamic width or tableless theme
  • 2004/12/7 6:22

  • hawkeyegop

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 83

  • Since: 2004/9/18


I am looking for a theme that I can use and modify. I tried to make a tableless, dynamic width theme that was 90% of the browser width, but the design kept breaking with certain modules. Then I tried the same thing with tables, but again the design kept breaking again. These were at 800x600 resolution.

It seems to me that this should not be that hard to do, but I just can't get it. I just want a basic 3-column site, preferably slightly smaller than the browser so you can see a background image on the sides. Dynamic width is preferred but even fixed would be ok, so long as it quits breaking my site. I'm not looking for anything fancy, like curves or diagonal lines, a plain boxy site would be ok.

I have seen a few nice sites that seem to look great, the first two that come to mind are these:


Now, those seem to both be fixed width, but I can't even seem to get mine to do that without breaking. Does anyone know if there exist themes like this that are available for download and use?



Re: Looking for dynamic width or tableless theme

hhttp://www.albanycc.org.nz/ uses one of modified 7dana themes (you can try these themes from Themes Library), Michael (aka StudioC here) I suppose, can comment own themes without my help.
I think, this news https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1888 and theme+manual will be good reading for you


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