What program are you using to edit the file? Just curious, as it seems to be making a mess of your html.
Try something like this:
<table cellPadding=2 border=0>
<td colSpan=2>
<font face="Bookman Old Style" color=#560081>Getting along to a painting convention is a recipe for a really great time. It is at such events you get to meet a great range of painters – from beginners to the very experienced, from those starting out in their own journey of discovery to those well known via publications and publicity. No matter where they come from, they are all great to rub shoulders with! The greatest advantage of attending these events is if you have planned them right and booked the right classes you will be learning something new on a regular basis.
Catzwolf was right, you don't need tbody. You also don't need all the < br > 's , they end up given you empty new lines.
Hope this helps.