The motivation is explained in the article, but in a nutshell it was due to there being no information of this type available for users (at least non that I know of or could find anywhere). Not sure what you're asking in the second question
. What do you mean by samples? The test script entered the exact same content into every article in every module if that is what your asking
I'm not sure how this reminds you of a local XOOPS support site that is trying to coax people into visiting a drupal site, as all the modules in my analysis are XOOPS based. Although I do agree that a local XOOPS support site saying they have no time for XOOPS AND trying to get them to visit their new drupal site is a problem.
There is no lying down with you is there phppp
. NewBB 2 and WF-Section finals by the end of the year is going to make you a very busy man
. I look forward to seeing them both, and will update the WF-Section final data in my article when the final is released.