I have hacked the built in XOOPS imagemanager to allow it to resize images and insert a thumb and a link to the original file.
I wanted to keep it simple so I only modified imagemanager.php. This is not ideal and if you upload from the admin page it does not work. We really need an image class and full integration of images into XOOPS core (or a new default module). I am sure this is planned for 2.2
To Install this hack:
Download the
zipUnzip the file
Edit the location of convert (if not /usr/bin/)
Edit the desired size of thumbs (if not 200x200)
Backup imagemanager.php
Copy over imagemanager.php with new file
Create an image category with large size.
Test upload and insertion of image.
No need to update in admin as no database changes
I wanted to have the fullsize image popup in a sized window. However, the preview panel gets messed up if you use HTML instead of bbcode [URL].
The admin manager should be hacked too.
Hope this helps you.