And Draven, I don't think we live too far from each other, hmmmm.....
I'm right downtown, about 2 blocks from the Eaton Center. :)
Regarding that one question quoted above, yes I think you're right, there would have to be a company that controlled the code and then chose what version to give away when. Since XOOPS already exists as a GPL'd product, no company can start up to do that, they would not have rights to the code. Perhaps some conglomeration of the current core development team could do it, but that's a very complicated legal question.
Yeah, I think so too. However, the core developers of X3, if indeed it was a complete rewrite, could go this route I suppose. Although I'm sure this would open a whole other can of worms
However, there is nothing stopping an enterprising company from developing the code base themselves, either as a fork, or in conjunction with the core team, and basing their business on providing XOOPS consulting. This is essentially how the very successful Typo3 product/project works I believe. There is a company behind Typo3, but the product itself is completely open source. They provide support and help setting up Typo3 installations (I believe they also originally developed Typo3 themselves and chose to release it as plain open source, no dual license).
Ture, there's a quote I'd love to reference but I can't for the life of me find it, basically it was along the lines that relying on selling services for a product (support, installation etc) to support developent of the product wasn't a very viable business module and many companies using this module fail. Note that I mean businesses, not an individual like myself selling these services, since I am only supporting myself.
I defineitely think there's an advantage to a company releasing code to the public, but also having means to pay a small core group to develop the product on a dialy basis, Redhat and MySQL are great examples.
Xoops has reached a point that it is, or almost is, a viable product for corporations and possibly even developers looking to sell a modified verson to clients (not just the service). So this is an interesting debate and I definitely find myself slowly in need of something along the commercial license lines.
Getting back to the dual license stuff, I found some more info and answers.
Here's a little FAQ I pulled from open office.org with regards to subitted code and how it "could" work with dual licensing.
If I contribute code to OpenOffice.org what am I going to be asked to do as far as licenses are concerned?
All contributions to the source code will require that the code is automatically available under both the LGPL and the Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL). Sun asks that developers fill out the Joint Copyright Assignment (JCA; see below) so that the copyright is unified. The JCA ensures that Sun can defend license violations if necessary. Sun is absolutely committed to the dual license mechanism of LGPL + SISSL for source code and will remain so committed.
If you are interested in only committing modifiable documentation which isn't intended for inclusion or integration in the OpenOffice.org product, the Public Documentation License may be relevant. Please see the section below on the license.
I haven't read all of this yet (large white paper on dual licensing) but it looks promising.