OK - I have this problem big time! I say big time, because none of the tips above have worked so I'm really desperate! In my case the problem occured after upgrading to NewBB2, deciding I didn't want it, so I copied the newBB files back across and then restored the SQL database from a copy I made a few minutes before installing NewBB2. I was able to happily use the site for about 2 hours, including accessing the original forum and then I got the same problem as those above. It reports a successful login in, but then refers me back to the index.php page asking me to log in again.
We are an internal network so we have no firewall. Nevertheless, I tried the HTTP_REFERRER check by changing it to true. Still no joy.
Tried clearing the templates_c cache folder, the cookies folder and temp Internet files. No joy.
Checked the session.use_cokkies value in php.ini. That was already set to 1. So no joy there either.
Cookies are all enabled. We use IE, but I've tried it using FireFox and it still does not work. IIS6, Windows Server 2003 and MySQL. I've checked the MySQL database using winmysqladmin.exe and all looks to be OK - green lights and everything.
The debug mode was turned off so cannot see what the debug errors are.
Can anyone help me with this. There must be a logical explanation. It must be an XOOPS issue, because if it was php, IIS or MySQL surely it wouldn't display the index.php pgae or even go through the login process, let alone anything else.
Mirthandrir says in his last post about the mainfile.php 'not been included'. What does he mean by this and how do you change the 'exclusion' to inclusion?