Re: No Go Module
  • 2004/9/10 13:49

  • Anonymous

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This is strange!

Is module installation successful?

Turn on XOOPS PHP-Debug mode for more information. If you get a warning like "Module File for debaser Not Found!" check if you have copied the correct folder to modules folder. The correct folder must contain files and folders and not only a folder.

Hope that helps!

Re: No Go Module
  • 2004/9/12 2:22

  • digibeta

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  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2004/5/17

It does say "Module File for debaser not found"
All the files are and folders are there. I must admit 'debaser' is not the only program that won't appear in modules admin. Just can't work out why some modules are ok and other not. It may be the host provider if this is the case.
Thanks for your help.

Re: No Go Module
  • 2004/9/14 1:45

  • radiox151

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2004/6/9 2

Installed the module... seems pretty cool. I uploaded songs but cant see them. Nothing to approve neither!! but they are there in the uploads folder. Two songs that I tried to upload came back with this translated error msg "File/home/radioiv/public_html/modules/debaser/upload/1095127530.mp3 does not exist!" it was in german. I do not know if register globals are off. How can I find out, and How do I change that if they are?

Re: No Go Module
  • 2004/9/14 2:19

  • radiox151

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2004/6/9 2

I installed WFDownloads and discovered that Registered Globals is "ON"... so, I dont know what the problem is. I chmod the folders upload and batchupload. Just running into a problem when uploading and the songs dont show up but they are in the uploads folder. Also, when I click on the debaser link in the main menu, nothing is displayed on the main page. Is this suppose to happen?>

Re: No Go Module
  • 2004/9/14 7:25

  • Anonymous

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I never saw such a weird behaviour of this module before.

Please give me some information about your XOOPS Version, PHP-Version, Computer OS and Browser and maybe a link to phpinfo on your webserver. I'll try to build the same environment to see the error.

Hopefully the bug will disappear in the next version.

Also, when I click on the debaser link in the main menu, nothing is displayed on the main page. Is this suppose to happen?

Yes, per default single uploads are not approved automatically and empty categories will not show up.

Re: No Go Module
  • 2004/9/14 15:17

  • radiox151

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2004/6/9 2

I am running XOOPS 2.0.7./winxp/ie6. I got the uploads to work. It was my connection, I am on Satellite (connection is not very good, I believe it was timing out); But even after I upload, I still get a blank screen with no content when I click on the "Debaser" link. I get the upload screen when I click on "Submit mp3" and when I click on "Mydebaser" and choose a player... it says "database has been updated" and returns me to the blank screen. Also, after I upload an mp3 and get the confirmation... I cannot see any info about the mp3, no song title/artist, just playtime/lenght of song. I would really like to implement this module on my site. IT is just what I have been looking for. I run an unsigned band site and think it will be perfect. My site is http://www.RADIOIV.com; login with username xoopstest and pwd xoops1 to see the module. Let me know what you think.

Re: No Go Module
  • 2004/9/14 15:27

  • radiox151

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2004/6/9 2

Oh, I renamed the debaser link to "Submit Music"... and I have it set to auto approve songs/uploads and comments, and where anon. users can post comments.

debaser new version!
  • 2004/9/16 8:55

  • Anonymous

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Version 0.7 will appear shortly in downloads.

This is an in-between-version. First I had to fix problems with register_globals off.

New features:

- notifications
- iradio built in
- adding links to songs
- works with register_globals off
- automatic or manual genre creation
- some minor/major changes in code

Edit: Help can be found in the mouseover menu in administration.

Re: debaser new version!
  • 2004/9/16 13:28

  • Anonymous

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If you want to add audio-streams ending with .smil you'll have to adapt debaser/popup.php.

Look for function check_real($t_url)

Add the following before if-statements in this function:

$check_smil substr($temp_url, -4);

Add another elseif-statement:

elseif ($check_smil == "smil") {

Re: debaser new version!
  • 2004/9/20 15:40

  • radiox151

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2004/6/9 2

I installed the beta version... tried doing the batch load and Nothing! I uploaded 2 songs via ftp to the batchload folder.


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