Kalobotz Wrote:
I'm still getting this error, though, on submission approvals for "Review Info Modification Requests"
Error Code: 0013
ERROR: Could not query the database.
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'platform='' , logourl='http://', status=2, date=1093951986 WHERE lid=0' at line 1
platform was redundant code and should have been removed, however it looks like we missed 1 along the way.
Edit file myReviews/admin/index.php
find on line 841 $xoopsDB->query("UPDATE ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_downloads")." SET cid=$cid,title='$title',url='$url',homepage='$homepage',version='$version' ,size=$size ,platform='$platform' , logourl='$logourl', status=2, date=".time()." WHERE lid=$lid") or $eh->show("0013");
Replace with: $xoopsDB->query("UPDATE ".$xoopsDB->prefix("myReviews_downloads")." SET cid=$cid,title='$title',url='$url',homepage='$homepage',logourl='$logourl', status=2, date=".time()." WHERE lid=$lid") or $eh->show("0013");
let us know how this goes...