Problem: XOOPS is OK with PHP CGI/FAST CGI but not with PHP ISAPI
Xoops version
Test platforms: "Genuine Intel" PCs (P4s with 1 GB RAM)
OS versions:
Windows XP Pro Edition with IIS5
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with IIS6
MySQL version 4.0.20d with phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1
PHP version 4.3.8 with "php.ini-recommended" modified as follows:
memory_limit = 32M
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
error_log = syslog
include_path = ".;(my sub-directory)"
extension_dir = "(my sub-directory)"
cgi.force_redirect = 0 (required for IIS)
fastcgi.impersonate = 1; (recommended for IIS)
upload_tmp_dir = "(my sub-directory with server write access)"
upload_max_filesize = 16M
extension = php_gd2.dll
SMTP = (my SMTP servername)
sendmail_from = (my email addy)
browscap = "(my inetsrv browscap.ini file)"
For evaluation purposes, I am currently running XOOPS along with PostNuke v0.750 and Xaraya v0.9.9 (each with its own MySQL database, of course) on test platforms under two OS/IIS systems as noted above. When using the CGI version of PHP, all three CMSs work perfectly on both platforms. However, when I switch to PHP's ASAPI mode, XOOPS produces errors while the other CMSs continue to function without any problem.
Details of the XOOPS problem are as follows:- The main index.php and login user.php pages remain accessible. I am also able to log on to XOOPS and access the administration admin.php page. When I attempt to access any user module or admin function, however, only a blank page is produced. Setting Xoops' DEBUG option, shows only the following PHP "notice-level" error: Notice [PHP]: Undefined offset: 2 in file F:\VIRtech\XOOPS\include\common.php line 253. A possible "clue", but not much real help there.
Having tried a bit of "searching and fiddling" on my own, I'm hoping that someone else with longer XOOPS experience may be able to offer some more pertinent ideas for a solution. Otherwise, I'm about ready to give it up. Suggestions will be gratefully received.
Regards to all,
P.S.: I should have mentioned that the IIS server is always restarted between CGI and ISAPI tests. And yes, I have tried the latter both with and without the DLL installed as an ISAPI "filter" for the IIS web service.