Re: Netquery v4.14 Release
  • 2009/2/9 21:57

  • RVirtue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9


If you want to install/update your GeoIP countries data to use the latest Maxmind release that is included in the Netquery v4.14 package, you need to use the Install GeoIP Data Table option located under the Netquery admin panel's Main Menu - NQ Options.


Netquery v4.14 Release
  • 2009/2/8 17:20

  • RVirtue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9

Version 4.14 of Netquery, the complete PHP/SQL open-source toolkit of network utilities, is now available for download here and on the author's web site at http://www.virtech.org/tools/

Netquery's major features currently include the following:Resized Image
- access monitoring & log managment,
- spambot "bad behavior" screening,
- geoIP & top countries usage mapping,
- multidomain & IP/AS whois lookups,
- autodiscovery for whois TLD server,
- DNS and Dig (ANY, SOA, NS, MX) queries,
- email address format & MX validation,
- port check with services lookup option,
- HTTP HEAD and GET requests,
- ICMP pings (local and/or remote),
- traceroutes (local and/or remote),
- looking glass router interrogation,
- updateable geoIP & ports data paks,
- user inputs with admin notice & approval,
- multi-instance sideblocks in CMS editions,
- admin selectable CSS stylesheet options,
- full W3C XHTML 1.1 & CSS compliance.

The current release (v4.14) updates Netquery's access monitoring and spambot screener functions based on Maxmind's February 2009 GeoIP and version 2.0.26 of Bad Behavior. It is fully compatible with the latest XOOPS release (v2.3.2b) and the Netquery demo live test site is running under that XOOPS version.

Here are the links for more information, live testing and downloading:
User Manual - http://virtech.org/tools/manual.php
Discussion Forum - http://www.virtech.org/phpbb3/
Live Test - http://xoops.virtech.org/modules/netquery/
Download - http://www.virtech.org/tools/
Dev Project - http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?mwr-netquery


Re: Netquery v4.13 Release
  • 2008/8/25 21:39

  • RVirtue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9

You're welcome, DarinAllan.

Hope it's useful, or at least fun to play with.

Netquery v4.13 Release
  • 2008/8/25 16:44

  • RVirtue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9

Version 4.13 of Netquery, the complete PHP/SQL open-source toolkit of network utilities, is now available for download from dev.xoops.org and from the author's web site at http://www.virtech.org/tools/

Netquery's major features currently include the following:
- access monitoring & log managment,
- spambot "bad behavior" screening,
- geoIP & top countries usage mapping,
- multidomain & IP/AS whois lookups,
- autodiscovery for whois TLD server,
- DNS and Dig (ANY, SOA, NS, MX) queries,
- email address format & MX validation,
- port check with services lookup option,
- HTTP HEAD and GET requests,
- ICMP pings (local and/or remote),
- traceroutes (local and/or remote),
- looking glass router interrogation,
- updateable geoIP & ports data paks,
- user inputs with admin notice & approval,
- multi-instance sideblocks in CMS editions,
- admin selectable CSS stylesheet options,
- full W3C XHTML 1.1 & CSS compliance.

The version 4.13 release updates Netquery's access monitoring and spambot screener functions based on Maxmind's August 2008 GeoIP release and version 2.0.22 of Bad Behavior. It is fully compatible with the latest XOOPS release v2.0.18.1 and the Netquery demo test site is running under that XOOPS version.

Here are the links for more information, live testing and downloading:
User Manual - http://virtech.org/tools/manual.html
Discussion Forum - http://www.virtech.org/phpbb3/
Live Test - http://xoops.virtech.org/modules/netquery/
Download - http://www.virtech.org/tools/
Dev Project - http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?mwr-netquery

Netquery 3.3 - Firefox Rendering Issue
  • 2006/3/13 17:42

  • RVirtue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9

While there has been no "official" bug report, some community members elsewhere have posted minor problems with Firefox rendering of the Netquery 3.3+ user interface.

It appears that Firefox is not handling the float:right style properly for images within fieldset legends. I guess I must have added that after my last Firefox check thinking that, since it passed W3C validation and worked in MSIE, Firefox would have no problem with it. Obviously, I was wrong about that. It's a good browser, but none of them are perfect.

Anyhow, the simple "quickfix" solution is to edit the Netquery CSS stylesheet that you are using (or all of them) to remove or comment out that float:right style found there as:

input.floatbutton, img.floatbutton
vertical-align: middle;
float: right

Just take out the float:right and not the vertical-align:middle style. Unfortunately, doing that puts those buttons at the "wrong" end of the fieldset legends in my opinion, but I guess it's a small price for compatibility. I'll try to come up with a more elegant solution for Netquery's next upgrade release, but it doesn't look promissing. Firefox doesn't even seem to honour text-align:right within fieldset legends.

Admin Equivalent of $xoops_module_header
  • 2006/2/3 15:05

  • RVirtue

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  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9

Is there one? Is there any way (short of hacking the XOOPS cp_functions.php code) to provide the same CSS values in a module's admin interface as $xoops_module_header provides in the user interface?

The interface design of the XOOPS edition of my module (Netquery) relies heavily on the <{$xoops_module_header}> feature of XOOPS themes. The module offers a selection from several CSS stylesheet options, which works fine in the modules user interface. But I can find no similar accomodation in the XOOPS admin interface and just using static in-line styles doesn't accomplish the same purpose.

Any ideas?

Re: Modules, themes, and hacks
  • 2006/1/22 14:11

  • RVirtue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9


Beavis wrote:

Take for example the current three modules on the front page of Xoops:
Google Maps

... The news moderator needs to enforce the creation/update of the Module Repository listings.


bluenova wrote:

Personally I think it would be good to enforce the use of dev.xoops.org for developing modules ...

Actually, Dev.Xoops and the XOOPS Repository are two very different issues, at least from this author's perspective.

My Netquery module is included and listed on Dev.Xoops as you can see at http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?mwr-netquery where I, as its author, am able to retain control over its versioning and the pointers to its mutiple download package options. Because no similar direct management control over versioning and download package links is available to the author under the XOOPS Repository, on the other hand, I've stayed away from that one.

Actually, that's not quite true. I did try it once, but asked for removal when my module's listing was altered without my knowledge and we couldn't seem to reach any compromise agreement on how such things should be done.

Re: Seems to be a security hole in 2.0.10! BIG!
  • 2005/5/9 2:15

  • RVirtue

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I suspect that your hosting service provider is running PHP in CGI mode. (Many of them consider doing that and loading PHPSuexec more secure than running PHP as an Apache module.) You may be able to verify the PHP environment from your hosting contol panel's system information or you can check directly with your service's tech support.

If that is so, then .htaccess won't work. You need to remove it to get rid of those errors. Instead, use a php.ini file in the same location and put the equivalent configuration values into it:
register_globals = Off
session.use_trans_sid = 0

Re: Parse error: unexpected '}' in ...
  • 2005/3/20 8:22

  • RVirtue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9

Line 82?! There is no line 82 in the XOOPS index.php file. It ends at line 46 and the whole thing (after 34 inital comment lines) is as follows
include "mainfile.php";

//check if start page is defined
if ( isset($xoopsConfig['startpage']) && $xoopsConfig['startpage'] != "" && $xoopsConfig['startpage'] != "--" ) {
header('Location: '.XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$xoopsConfig['startpage'].'/');
} else {
$xoopsOption['show_cblock'] =1;
What does your index.php file look like?

Re: $xoopsModuleConfig Value in Block
  • 2005/3/6 16:12

  • RVirtue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 246

  • Since: 2004/8/4 9

That works. Thanks very much to both.

[EDIT] Just in case this finds its way into anyone else's bag of tricks, there's a missing close bracket in the first line of Mith's modification. It should be
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsModule']) || $GLOBALS['xoopsModule']->getVar('dirname') != "moduledirname") {
I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one who occasionally loses count of brackets and braces.

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