For those of you who haven't looked at the hack (

), it trims duplicate spaces from usernames, as well as spaces from before or after the username.
"Garrett [space] Albright"
"Garrett [space] [space] Albright"
"[space] Garrett [space] Albright"
"Garrett [space] Albright [space]"
The hack will (effectively but inelegantly) transform all of those illegal names to "Garrett [space] Albright", and an error will be produced if that's already registered.
As for disallowing people to register with, say, "Garrett [space] Alb [space] right" if "Garrett [space] Albright" is already registered... I don't think that's too much of an issue, because a space like that will be more visible. That, and to implement it most effectively, we'd probably have to add a new field to Xoops' user database; the username with spaces stripped. That way, XOOPS would strip the spaces from the username someone tries to register with, check it against the username with spaces stripped fields in the DB, then pop up an error if it comes up with a match. I'm fairly certain other CMS/forum scripts don't bother with this, and, as I've said before, I don't think it's that necessary.
As_for_preferring_underscores... I'm_sorry,_but_I_just_hate_them,_for_reasons_that_should_be_quite_obvious. CamelCaseCanDieTooPlease.